Specially designed, olive green, leather-upholstered seating provides space for 45 diners. Folded circles covered in silver leaf extend across the ceiling and shimmer in the light, bringing opulent accents to the room. Together with the long, bespoke lighting element that runs above the tables, they effectively draw the gaze towards the back of the space. The entirely mirrored longitudinal wall is printed with a sheer curtain motif, as are the windows. This effect creates a soft backdrop to the long row of tables. It plays down the heterogeneity of the façade openings and pillars, while the rather narrow space is optically expanded by the mirrors. Rich, dark Macassar Ebony-covered tables provide a beautiful contrast to the graphic mirror-curtain. The playful treatment of the themes of transparency and intimacy gives the space its character. There is plenty for the eyes to feast on here: An international restaurant with an urban flair and allure that radiates far beyond the confines of this small town.