
: Wayfinding & Signage


Identity instead of just information. Our way­finding and signage services work through estab­lishing building and brand identities. We combine process-oriented tasks with formative visuali­sation. Our work integrates exper­tise and practical experience from inter­disciplinary coope­ration between architec­ture and interior design.


Wayfinding systems not only point the way.

They provide orientation for a building or brand’s entire identity.

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The who, how, what, why and wherefore

Where to is but one of many questions

Orientation systems are not just essential for way­finding, they’re an opportu­nity to shape iden­tity. With the added benefit of making safe guidance spatially tangible as a message and asset of a building or brand. So in addition to typical questions about visitor journeys, we also ask ques­tions about visitor structure, environ­ment and brand.

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Value and addressing values

Address cultivation is a compe­titive business

Buildings stand in multi-layered compe­tition to one another. On one hand, as commercial real estate in a highly competi­tive market. On the other, as an address that must be culti­vated for brands as a presti­gious address for employees and customers. It’s all about value. Values for which we design subs­tance, tangible experien­ces and distinctiveness.

Pointing the way instead of just wayfinding

Formative design and haptics

In our increasingly digitalised world, navigating through a building remains a directly physical experience. Therein lies the possi­bility of sensory experien­ces that can signifi­cantly shape the overall percep­tion of staff or guests. In the choice of materials, in typo­graphy, in imagery and even in narratives.

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Understanding, under­­standing and under­­standing

Opportunities through inter­disciplinary thinking

An understanding of architec­ture, communi­cation and product design: to function reliably, orienta­tion systems require all these disciplines. We bundle this exper­tise at desk level – to create a uniquely infor­mative and visual spatial impact.
