
: Product Design


“We aim to create desirable objects with their very own character. Objects that inspire the imagination and allow new possibilities to unfold.” Tilla Goldberg

  • Products
  • Furniture Design
  • Lighting Design
  • Product Design
  • Exhibit Design
  • Bespoke Objects
  • Strategy
  • Design Consulting
  • Creative Direction
  • Love
  • Desirable Objects
  • Narrative Objects
  • Identity Objects
  • Sustainable Products
  • Biophilia

In the context of strategy and project, clear tasks and goals arise for product design.

Offering a tangible way of supporting how identities develop.

Ping, Pong, Bang!

Developing effec­tive products

Finely honed brand identities require equally finely honed product lines and high­light products. All with a strong story poten­tial for well-defined target groups. We help achieve these goals in close ping-pong dialogue with our custo­mers, with concrete propo­sals for effective product series and statement products. And we also design targeted communi­cation to fit the bill, in close inter­disciplinary coopera­tion with our talented Brand Design team.

Uniquely Good

Customised solutions for interior projects

Ultimately, a concept’s effective­ness is always measured in the details. If particular defining spatial elements, furniture or light fixtures are not available on the market, we simply design custo­mised solutions our­selves: ones that suit the room and concept perfectly. In so doing, we rely on our highly qualified team, as well as our trusted net­work of chosen manufac­turers.

Creating Attitude with Serious Attitude

Product design on a strategic basis

Brands achieve the highest level of credi­bility when the attitude they commu­nicate infuses their products. From the customer’s perspec­tive, brand credi­bility makes up 75% of a purchase decision – so products must keep their promises. This is where we step in to provide support in areas such as sustaina­bility, health, spatial impact and human-centric design.
