
Creating Identity Is about Embracing Change

Designing change: Wherever people encounter spaces, brands or products, identity becomes paramount. For both sides. For some, it’s about perception, strategy, goals, benefits and KPIs. For others, it’s about real need, dreams, desires, aspirations and yes, goals too.

In the world we live in today, these encounters are more diverse and agile than ever before. A changing world meets companies in transformation. Our mission is to create identities that can fully embrace this change. Identities that are powerful enough for the now and ready for tomorrow.

Perhaps Peter Ippolito and Gunter Fleitz would have put it differently 20 years ago when they first wrote the words ‘Identity Architects’ underneath their names, but they meant nothing other than an optimistic and multifaceted take on all the inherent possibilities of design.

Strategically effective, value-adding and driven by optimism.


What Drives Us: Identity Is Change in Mirror Writing

What drives people, which issues move you, what makes you tick, what sets your heart beating faster: If you want to create effective identities in space, for brands and products today, you must design processes rather than rigid states. With this conviction in mind, we take on the role of strategic designers: We reflect the change and movement we see in society today in remarkable and value-creating experiences and measures. Generating friction, but always optimistic, multi-layered and distinct.


How We Understand Collaboration: Status Go!

Where markets, target groups, work environments or shopping behaviour change, critical debate is key. Ping-ponging perspectives and starting points back and forth, direct and agile collaboration, identifying possibilities instead of gripping tightly to the status quo. This is what we like to call status go. An attitude that is more than just words. We support our clients in a structured and methodical manner through all their tasks and transformations. Generating friction, but always optimistic, multi-layered and goal-oriented.


Outstanding results drive us

We’re delighted to have scooped over 400 international awards for interior design, brand design and product design. And we’re honoured that Peter and Gunter were the first German designers ever to be admitted to New York Interior Design magazine’s prestigious ‘Interior Design Hall of Fame’. But we’re especially pleased that the strategy, efficacy and differentiating power of our clients are the real winners.


Media & Press

Because our projects have clear stories – and a lot to tell

Our work and our approach are much reported in media all around the world. We’re happy to be part of the debate that a changing world needs.



We believe trust is at the start of everything

Let’s get acquainted. Tell us about your plans, ideas and references, and let’s see whether our chemistry and energy fit. The best way to do this is to visit one of our three studios in person – or of course digitally.




A look into our officesGlimpse