
Creating change

We are “Identity Architects”. In a constantly changing world, we create drive and strategic value for spaces, brands and products. In our changing world, a distinguishing, credible and memorable identity is a strategically effective instrument.

We see ourselves as enterprising companions in processes that shape value creation and interaction in design for spaces, brands and products. For the identity-creating work environment of a DAX-listed company as much as for the branding of a hotel chain, in product design with a carpet manufacturer or real estate marketing in China. We bring with us passion, curiosity and courage from all over the world.

As well as our principles for designing individual processes together.


    Not just thinking out of the box. But in all the spaces in between.

    From a strategic point of view, today’s world is full of relevant touch points. As a space, as a brand message, as a product. Our work shows just how effective and efficient it is to design an overarching idea across different disciplines, thereby honing and sharpening our strategic measures.
    Which is why you’ll find the workplaces of different disciplines in close proximity in all our studios. With the big picture of your objectives written large above them. And an impressive output behind them.

    Social Centricity

    Not only thinking a strategy. But walking, eating, surfing, liking and laughing it.

    Never before have the ways in which people can align themselves, choose and decide been as open and diverse as they are today. How does one become relevant to you? What benefits the project, what serves the whole community? Today’s strategy is a determined understanding of what drives people and how our society is changing.
    This shapes our everyday work two-fold: We design honestly and empathically from the perspective of our clients and users. At the same time, we are fully aware of our responsibility to help design societal change.


    Don’t just be different. Be utterly unique.

    We think diversity forms the basis for achieving stand-alone results. We consciously experience this in our process cycle: thanks to the good fortune of having a highly diverse project list with tasks from the most varied walks of life, cultures, situations and goals, matched by an equally diverse team.
    It is this coming together that creates the special energy that releases new ideas. We cultivate this as a consciously learning organisation across all our studios.


    Don’t just get it right. Get heads turning.

    We are convinced that the precision of a strategy must be felt in every detail for it to unfurl its full potential. We ensure this happens with professiona­lised processes and our proven quality management.
    For us, however, it is also a quality to meet your challenges at eye level, to question them, and to go one step further.


    Not just be green, but be purposeful.

    Companies and brands are increasingly being judged by their customers according to their social purpose and intent. We understand this as a contemporary under­standing of sustainability and actively support our clients across a broad spectrum of questions about purpose, values as well as environ­mentally friendly materials.
    Always with the greater under­standing that designing for value creates sustainable added value in the long term.

    Analogue & Digital

    Not just thinking about the customer journey. But about making memories.

    In every customer journey, digital experiences meet real-life experience. In our work, we focus on the value and the ultimate aim of such touch points. We analyse technologically driven stages of a customer journey, as well as the value of physical contact points.
    Our solutions are measured by positive and memorable experiences. No matter whether we are discussing a spatial concept, hands-on contact with a product, or the superordinate design of a brand communication.


    Not only change. But chances.

    Today’s projects are always strategic transformations. Digitalisation, a new under­standing of values or different channels all influence the basic under­standing of companies and brands. In a New Work project as much as in a physical store that must fulfil its new role alongside an online shop.
    The question we like to ask is which opportu­nities arise from such unavoidable change. Because accompanying opportunities creates a great deal more drive than simple change management.
