The first step was to reorganise the space. The bar was moved to centre stage, where it divides the elongated room into three clearly differentiated zones that can now be used individually. Each of these zones can be further subdivided by means of string curtains. The main area can therefore be rescaled and redesigned at will according to the type and size of event, without ever losing its intimate feel. The rear walls of the niches and the front side of the bar are covered with shell limestone flagging, creating a homogenous surface when viewed from the front. The shell limestone is subtly illuminated by halogen lighting. This brings its porous structure and depth into effect, while generating a warm, golden quality of light and setting off the bar stock to great advantage. The effect is enhanced by 2500 individually suspended plastic batons that capture and play with the light in a beguiling manner. The individual areas are connected by means of a continuous mauve-coloured floor, which provides a striking contrast to the industrial architecture of the listed space.