With Ippolito Fleitz Group’s interdisciplinary expertise in product, interior, textile and brand design, the joint collection was to be launched at Milan Design Week with a spatial installation in the vaults of the Ventura Centrale, designed to enable visitors to experience the collection in a visual and haptic sense. However, as we all know, Milan Design Week was cancelled due to corona. Should the plans be shelved? Absolutely not! Our team and OBJECT CARPET found a creative and no less sensational solution: the installation was relocated into a film studio. In collaboration with prestigious fashion photographer Monica Menez, the scene was set for a short film. In the film ESCAPADE, the viewer watches vacuum robots and carpet cheeseburgers on a stage made entirely from carpets. Instead of going to Milan, you can now visit the installation from your home – both cinematically and digitally. The film makes it possible to experience the atmosphere of the structures, surfaces, colours and the impressive combinability of the products at first hand. With an ironic twinkle thrown in for good measure.