The core content of the digital experience is formed by five theses on the topic of New Work. They provide food for thought to better understand the shift that is taking place in the workplace and in working environments, and to help develop your own ideas for responding to them. Brunner positions itself as a contact partner for shaking up and modernising existing structures. To this end, Brunner opens up new spaces and stimulates new thinking. We implement this guiding principle in our design, and have created four virtual spatial panoramas in which visitors can immerse themselves.
The focus of the Cafeteria is on our relationship to nature and the communicative experience of eating together. Health and productivity go hand in hand here. The Lab workshop and seminar areas are staged as fast-moving, adaptable tech spaces. Constant change and changeability are conceived of as a modular ecosystem. The Middle Zone is an evolving landscape with multiple potential uses: Movement, creativity, informal exchange and stress relief all figure here. Finally, the conference rooms of the Meeting panorama play with transparent, reflective, billowing elements.
The four large-scale, immersive panoramas invite visitors to embark on a voyage of discovery. Each panorama can be explored intuitively on all devices, using the cursor or swipe gestures. While the view product function can be used to bring all Brunner products to the fore, offering the various configuration options.