Object Carpet GmbH OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group
OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz GroupStuttgart, 2020

Carpet Collection 2020

OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group

With its release scheduled for September 01, 2020, the new carpet collection and matching communication concept by Ippolito Fleitz Group and OBJECT CARPET provides living proof of that. Through a profound knowledge of space, textile, brand and product, the team managed to expand their concentrated expertise all the way into the specific applications of users. Over a period of three years, the IFG-Team of product designers, interior architects and material experts has been meticulously working on 8 products in 111 colour shades. Hidden beneath catchy names like MEET × BEAT or SKILL × CHILL, the collection of carpets not only provides answers to the changes in modern working environments, but also works perfectly in gastronomic and private spaces.

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Object Carpet GmbH OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group  In 2020, a carpet is expected to do a lot more than just lying around.

In 2020, a car­pet is ex­pec­ted to do a lot more than just ly­ing around.

Because whether you will feel like a team player on the job or a lone wolf roaming the office hallways, like someone who is annoyed by the co-workers’ clicking heels or someone not even bothered by their phone calls “in many cases is more closely related to the right choice of carpet than it is to your boss”, says Tilla Goldberg of Ippolito Fleitz Group. The engagement with the change of the spirit of the times is central to a functional product. How, for instance, does New Work redefine spaces? Why are hotel concepts evolving so rapidly into temporary living? Does this affect the concept of living itself? And how does flooring support the shopping and brand experience in the retail market?

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Many of these questions are now answered by the 8 products in 111 colour shades designed by Ippolito Fleitz Group and carpet manufacturer OBJECT CARPET. Through expert knowledge of rooms and spaces, a deep understanding of branding and, of course, product design itself, the Identity Architects have incorporated all their areas of expertise into this project. On top of that, IFG operates an in-house material laboratory that played a major role in the three-year development. Applied materials like Econyl-thread – which has been awarded the Blue Angel seal for its high ratio of recyclables – highlight the importance of both design and sustainability. All carpets are washed, designed to bind fine particles and free from pollutants and emissions. Moreover, the entire line of products can be freely combined with each other – from SKILL x CHILL through FLOW x GLOW to CRAZE x CHASE. As a result, other designers will now have access to a collection that sparks a whole new desire for textiles and enables them to decorate a plethora of different spaces in a truly playful manner.

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A collection about rooms and their functions: with a tangible zest for structures, surfaces and colours, the product designers and interior architects at Ippolito Fleitz Group collaborated with OBJECT CARPET in creating a collection that features a high degree of combinability and sustainable production.
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Object Carpet GmbH OBJECT CARPET × Ippolito Fleitz Group  The matching communication concept proves to be as innovative as the products themselves.

The mat­ching com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­cept pro­ves to be as in­no­va­tive as the pro­ducts them­selves.

A short film that feels more like a great music clip at first view makes the magic touch of carpets come alive. Here, textiles meander through a vast space, float to the ceiling, turn into walls or even a swing. In between all of this, clone models take bites off a hand-sewn cheeseburger made from textile fragments and robot vacuums conquer the world. Fittingly titled “Escapade”, the film was created by internationally acclaimed fashion photographer Monica Menez who was also responsible for the carefully composed product shots. In addition, a 360° virtual tour of the room installation is available online.

For more information about the products and the collaboration please also visit


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The new desire for textiles thrives on haptics, material, colour and design. But behind this there are no superficial considerations, but fundamental, factual developments in working environments, gastronomy, hotels and living.
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Making of

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In the development of the collection, the limits of what is technically possible were challenged more than once.

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Facts & Figures

Object Carpet GmbH
Completed (2020)
Philip KottlorzMonica Menez
  • Tilla Goldberg
  • Peter Ippolito
  • Georg Kast
  • Axel Knapp
  • Olha Martsynovska
  • Ismaël Sanou
  • Verena Schiffl
  • Jörg Skalecki
  • Anna Theodossiadou
  • Julia Heuer, Textile design
  • Monica Menez, Photography / Film Director

Awards & Publications
