 die welle Frankfurt
die welle FrankfurtFrankfurt, 2017

We Have Turned an Office Building into a Wave of Opportunities. Our Repositioning of “Die Welle”.


die welle Frankfurt

Planned and designed by JSK architect’s office, “die welle” is a commercial office building facing the need to stand out in Frankfurt’s fiercely contested market for tenants. In close collaboration with the marketing specialists of Oceans & Company, we provided the inner-city skyscraper with a substantial repositioning in the market - distinct unique selling points, showcased in an exciting manner and condensed into a core message that sticks. In this way, we built upon an easy to grasp positioning, which is closely connected to the building itself: the wave of opportunities.

die welle Frankfurt  l1
die welle Frankfurt  l2 1
die welle Frankfurt  l2 2
die welle Frankfurt  l3
die welle Frankfurt  l4
die welle Frankfurt  l5
die welle Frankfurt  l6 2

In developing the repositioning around the core message of “a wave of opportunities”, we created a robust and assertive central theme.

die welle Frankfurt  l6 1
die welle Frankfurt  l7
A premium portfolio allows for customisation of information for potential tenants.
die welle Frankfurt  l9 1
die welle Frankfurt  l9 2
die welle Frankfurt  l9 3
die welle Frankfurt  l9 4
die welle Frankfurt  l10

Facts & Figures

Completed (2017)
Barbara Staubach
  • Kim Angenendt
  • Nuray Gucanin
  • Axel Knapp
  • Jörg Skalecki
  • Franziska Strantz