
: Colours, Materials & Finishes


Every visitor falls in love with our Material LAB – welcome to one of the largest material libraries. This is where we find the right materials, colours, qualities and depths of material for all our projects. With very traditional options, highly modern ones and even with some that we’re still working on with our manufacturers. It’s not only our interior projects that benefit from this deposi­tary, but also producers that want to move towards something new in collabo­ration with us. Our services provide the right material to get the ball rolling.

  • Services
  • Material Expertise
  • Material Library
  • Material Lab
  • Experiments with new materials and processing techniques
  • Development of own materials/textures
  • Development of own design collections
  • CMF Design
  • Strategy
  • Material Consulting
  • Colour Consulting
  • Creative Direction
  • Love
  • Bespoke Materials
  • Sustainability Concepts

For every design idea, there is a material that can enhance the idea.

With this in mind, we have built up a material library that is second to none.

Not Just What, but What For

The physical subs­tance of identity

What expresses identity is above all a question of content. The question of material, colour and quality provides substan­tive support. Determi­ning what is one thing, but deci­ding what it should stand for is quite another. Because a physical subs­tance renders identities visible, tangible and compre­hensible in its own way.

The Material of Our Time is Respect

Sustainability deserves all possibilities

The move towards a more respect­ful use of resources and sustai­nable production methods has triggered a global surge for inno­vating materials and how they are made. A develop­ment that makes us constantly scrutinise our own processes and preferences.

Open Doors to the Market

Consultancy services for manu­facturers

Exceptionally in-depth expertise, a structured archive and a great deal of practical experience from projects and inno­vative approaches: This back­ground enables us to consult for interested manufac­turers on CMF strategies (colours, materials, finishes), materials and processing, thus opening up inno­vative, new product fields and sustai­nable produc­tion methods.
